Put simply, you should not be using CBD – You should be using Water-Soluble CBD.
Why? As we like to say here at Ageless, you are not what you eat, you are what you absorb!
It may seem obvious to say, but not all CBD is created equal. There are high quality and low quality products, of course, but did you know that there are different ways to manufacture CBD molecules? In this helpful guide, we will walk through the newest advancement in high quality CBD.
To Begin: Did you know most CBD is Oil Based?
That’s right. Cannabis extracts are hydrophobic (incompatible with water, and the water-based bloodstream). This leads to an unpredictable AND low absorption of only ~6% to 12%
Why is this the case?
The traditional extraction process: Cannabinoids are usually bonded with fats and oils before being added to the end products. Therefore, because CBD oil is well…naturally, an oil, and the adult human body is 60% water, Oil based CBD is very difficult for the body to absorb. As the old saying goes, oil and water don’t mix.
According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. Compositely, the human adult body is 60% water.
CBD oil is first digested in the digestive system and liver. Because of its inability to mix with water, this “first pass” phenomenon discards the majority of the CBD. What is left over and available to the circulatory system is only approximately 10%.
That’s right! When you use an oil based CBD product, your body is only absorbing ~10% of the mg’s of CBD that you are paying for!
Rapid Relief Cream
Infused with essential oils (including Camphor, Arnica, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Ginger and more) and 750mg of full spectrum, Water-Soluble CBD, Ageless Support Cream is designed to offer maximum absorption through the skin for fast relief of minor aches and pains.
CBD Gummies
Our Water-Soluble Hemp Cannabinoid Gummies offer all of the benefits that you look for in a great tasting and portable package!
Concord Gape!
Mountain Green Apple!
Enter: Water-Soluble CBD
When any compound, including CBD, has the ability to be absorbed at a high rate, it is considered to be ‘Bioavailable’.. Generically, compounds that can be readily absorbed are referred to as being “water-soluble.”
While a relatively new trend in CBD manufacturing, a handful of companies are developing new technologies that are far superior to traditional CBD Oil. Namely, Water-Soluble CBD.
To put it simply, a water-soluble CBD molecule is one that has been reduced to a size that it can be absorbed by the body. This is accomplished using nanotechnology. This process involves breaking down the CBD molecule size until it becomes a nanoparticle. The scale of size is in terms of nanometers (one nanometer equals one-billionth of a meter). A single molecule of cannabidiol is approximately 4,440 nanometers in diameter, a reduction in size by 4,440%.
While many companies claim that their CBD products are water-soluble, more often than not, these are only claims. They may use a nanotechnology, but the molecules are not small enough to be considered truly water-soluble.
Ageless Labs uses a proprietary process of nano emulsification, which uses ultrasonic waves to exert pressure on the CBD molecules from Hemp. This pressure causes the CBD molecules to shatter into CBD nanoparticles. These particles are mixed with a lipid-based emulsifier where CBD dissolves prior to absorption into the body. (CBD is naturally lipophilic. This means it dissolves in fat rather than water). The emulsifier is essential as it allows incompatible substances (oil and water) to mix, creating compatibility with water in the bloodstream.
Further, Ageless Labs uses pharmacokinetic testing to confirm the availability of the Cannabinoids in the bloodstream. Our testing has confirmed that our CBD absorbs into the blood stream at a rate of 91%!
With a 91% Bioavailability, Ageless Labs CBD products are more cost effective, higher quality, and absorb into the blood stream beginning in as little as 15 minutes.
Hemp Tinctures
Our fast acting Water-Soluble Tinctures deliver rapid penetration through the Blood Brain Barrier for the highest absorption and an onset in less than 15 minutes!
Avail in 1,000 and 1,500 mg
Chocolate Mint!
Raspberry Lemonade!
Pina Colada!
Diet Hack
Diet Hack 356 is the perfect drink to support Intermittent fasting.
Water-Soluble CBD, Minerals, Electrolytes and Fat Burners BioHack your body with targeted nutritional support to combat insulin resistance and promote weight loss.
Strawberry/Coconut Flavor
Tastes Great & Mixes Easily
Zero Calories!
Rapid Relief Cream
Infused with essential oils (including Camphor, Arnica, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Ginger and more) and 750mg of full spectrum, Water-Soluble CBD, Ageless Support Cream is designed to offer maximum absorption through the skin for fast relief of minor aches and pains.
CBD Gummies
Our Water-Soluble Hemp Cannabinoid Gummies offer all of the benefits that you look for in a great tasting and portable package!
Concord Gape!
Mountain Green Apple!